WOW it got cold. The temp got down in the teens/single digits a couple of weeks ago, then we had a week of high 30's, and now it's back down again. During the time that it was a little warmer, it rained and snowed a lot, which resulted in a lot of ice. I was alone in my house during that time, so I had to maintain the driveway by myself, and I wouldn't say that I was exactly successful in keeping it ice-free. I don't have studded tires or chains, and my driveway is a hill, so I've just been parking at the top (street level) since it got really snowy anyway. However, when my roomie came back, he said that I hadn't done anything wrong, so that was good. I was kind of nervous about that.
My friend C's driveway, which is level, was a complete ice rink. I was actually wishing I had skates as I navigated my sloooooow way across it. A lot of people wear ice cleats on their boots here and I kind of wish I'd gotten a pair when I first saw them. If I see them again I'll pick some up. Anyway, I've broken out the long undies. The cold only really bothers me early in the morning because I'm not really awake yet and I don't like being cold when I'm not really awake. Even so, I wouldn't say I hate it.
I'm trying to do more around Juneau, simply because it's really easy many days to get up, go to work, come home, eat and sleep. Of course I have Weight Watchers on Thursday nights, plus on Friday nights I spend an evening at C's house and we watch a movie or TV or something, often while doing our nails or working on crafts or whatever. Saturdays I think I'm going to start hanging at the Viking, which is a downtown bar, to do karaoke (although I'm not sure that they consistently do karaoke on Saturday nights, and if not, I may end up either going another night or finding somewhere else to go). I just don't want to stagnate, and I really have nothing else to do with my time until Chris and Dante get here.
That's still scheduled to be in mid-February. My roommate is displeased and really wants me out earlier, because he is regretting having rented to two people. I don't blame him, as I am chafing also, but there's not really a lot I can do about it. I'm not exactly taking advantage of him (I'm paying him a fair rate in rent, and I help clean), and I would be out sooner if I could, but I can't. I'm looking at spaces though because you never know, I might find a deal.
I'm not doing anything for either Christmas or New Year's Eve, so mostly I'm ignoring their existence. I'm going for a drink with a friend New Year's Day though. We figure it'll be pretty quiet. Anyway, not much else going on. The next two months are going to be spent mostly looking for a place to live and getting ready for Chris and Dante, and trying not to get too antsy.